
"About Campaka Sirungan"

What is discussed in this blog ??
Why this blog should be a reference for you ??

This blog covers many things about health and beauty, including  :
- the benefits of herbs for health and beauty
- benefits and content of fruits
- benefits and vegetable content
- treatment of diseases with natural ingredients
- beauty treatments with natural ingredients
- etc. such as prevention

Why is this blog highly recommended?
Because with this blog can be a solution for you who are browsing to find information about the truth of the benefits and content that exist in a composition, for example, call the content and benefits of fruits for health.

With the rise of sellers of irresponsible beauty and health products, who sell products without clear content and benefits and unspecified side effects, we intend to tell you complete information on each article we discuss on this blog.

We will do our best to convey the information we know, and will update at any time. The health and beauty information we describe will be useful as an alternative to solve the problem.

  • - Sandi Maulana 
  • email  :  sandimaulana52@gmail.com
  • - Edelweis
  • email  :  edelweis416@yahoo.co.id
  • - Yuliana Wilhelminah
  • email  :  y.wilhelminah@gmail.com
  • - Andri Herdiana
  • email  :  andrherdiana1945@gmail.com

Thank you, already willing to visit and take your time to read the information on this blog.

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