Is there a natural way to remove acne scars on the face ?
How long does facial treatment process for cleansing acne in a natural way?
How effective and fast is acne lost?
That's some of the questions we often hear and you complain about acne problems. You want to know the answer ?? follow this article to the end.
Before going to discuss about how to handle and prevent acne does not return, it would be better if you know first "what is acne ???"
what is the cause of acne???
Actually, what is acne? Acne that is in medical language is called acne vulgaris, is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles are clogged with dead skin and oil, which can lead to inflammation, you do not have to worry about acne on the face, because almost everyone has experienced it, and that can be treated either by natural means or by medical treatment.
Acne can be a mild red nodule to cystic acne (acne stone) that pain. Because there are several types of acne, then the acne medication needed is different. Oil-producing glands under your skin are called sebaceous glands and holes in your skin are called pores. Hair follicles connect your pores with sebaceous glands.
Acne is usually present on the face, shoulders, back, and chest. These skin problems can cause emotional stress and can leave acne scars. The faster you treat it, the lower your risk for experiencing the emotional and physical effects.
What are the causes of acne?
4 causes of acne most important, namely :
- Oil production
- Dead skin cells
- Clogged pores
- Bacteria
Then how to prevent acne?
You may have heard the saying that "prevention is better than cure", it is not a mere term, and it is true. As you know, acne on the face can come at any time, and facial skin is very sensitive and easy to get acne.
How to prevent acne so as not to reappear is very easy, consider the following:
- The first, the acne appears due to your lack of wipes. well ,, diligent in cleaning the face, wash your face, it was the first prevention in acne treatment.
- Prevention of acne next is to use makeup just enough, selective in choosing and using makeup. it has become a common secret problem that excessive makeup or make up that does not fit your skin becomes one of the causes of acne on the face. What are the benefits of reducing or avoiding makeup ??? The point is to rest your face from the makeup that is used everyday.
- Avoid using a towel with a rough surface to wipe the face. if there is use a special towel for the face, a face towel like a baby towel, which has a softer texture and is perfect for facial skin. next about the towel problem that is pay attention to the cleanliness of the towel you wear to clean the face, because if the towel is not clean then the germs are horned sticking upfront which causes the occurrence of acne.
- Not too often holding face or face with hand, why? dirty hands, containing bacteria or germs this can also trigger acne. Wash your hands if you will hold your face and avoid pushing faces affected by acne. If the face there is a pimple try to heal first then you can use makeup.
- Avoid stress, take time to entertain yourself, relaxation becomes a distinct advantage for facial skin. It's a good idea to calm your mind and avoid stress. Stress can easily and is one of the triggers of stress.
- Enough water for the body, I think you already know the importance of water and its relationship with skin health. With plenty of water consuming it will help you to dissolve the oils and fats that are in the body. The face and digestion become healthy which affects the dull face as well as the acne.
- Diligent exercise, this has been widely discussed in various forums on the internet and blog health blog, Sports routine can help overcome and prevent acne.
- Use natural face moisturizer, lots of natural moisturizer that you can use to prevent acne such as with aloe vera, rice rice watering powder, with honey, etc., will be discussed below.
- By using a natural face mask, you do not need to salon, spend expensive to treat the face of acne, especially for prevention, simply by using a natural mask of plants and herbal ingredients your face can be clean of acne. this will also be discussed next.
using acne medicine ??, need acne medicine ?? this is actually the essence of this article, a natural acne remedy with a very strong natural ingredients to clear the face of the acne even until the scars disappear is not seen at all.
what is needed ?? how to make ??? look to the end, before I apologize, if in writing, grammar and writing style a lot of mistakes, because I admit, I am not good at writing articles.
Treat and clean acne scars on face with natural mask from aloe vera :
Do you know why many beauty products, especially for facial skin care from acne using aloe vera as the main ingredient ?? I think you know, all because of the benefits and content that is in aloe vera. Aloe vera content is very efficacious in maintaining skin health, including acne treatment, and remove black stains from acne scars.
Content in Aloe vera, among others; proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, and C, zinc, vitamin C, E, catechins, carotene, carbohydrates, amino acids, and flavonoids. In addition, aloe vera has antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory.
the benefits are to treat acne, remove black spots on the face due to acne scars, skin care and make skin always young, shrink pores skin, and others.
make a face mask from aloe vera for acne treatment and remove black spot blotch marks:
- - provide 1 stick of aloe vera
- - cut and split aloe vera
- - Apply mucus to aloe vera meat to your face
- - let stand and let it seep on facial skin for 15 -30 minutes
- - Do it regularly, (to get the most out of this natural face mask process do at night)
Overcoming Acne and cleaning acne scars with rice water deposition
Rice water deposition is a natural traditional way, not many people know the secret of the ability of rice water deposition in treating acne naturally. Benefits contained in rice washing water comes from the content of minerals, vitamins, naturally and natural antioxidants present in rice.
To use it, of course must understand how to make rice laundry water so it can be used as a treatment. Actually there are several ways, but the easy way is to use ordinary rice water wash.
Use of Olive Oil for Acne
Have a lot of reviews about olive oil, one of the benefits of olive oil is no stranger to acne treatment and remove acne scars, how?
The most effective way to treat acne with olive oil is during the night, take olive oil and massage on your face, leave your face olive oil full overnight. When the morning rinse with clean water, but for maximum results use a soft cloth, or towel that lebut, then soak it in hot water, then wring it out, and place it to face after the massage process is complete. Leave until the towel is cold then lift it. And for acne to disappear immediately, do this treatment every night.
Massaging facial skin with olive oil can accelerate blood circulation, while eliminating impurities and dead skin cells that clog pores. In addition, its antibacterial properties can kill acne-causing bacteria. Another bonus is this oil also contains vitamin E so it can restore the balance of oil in the face naturally while preventing acne and blemishes acne scars.
Treat the acne naturally further by using a lemon mask
Many beauty products that use lemon as the main ingredient, for example lemon face soap, lemon facial cleanser, what is the content of lemon? yups lemon has L-ascorbic acid content can reduce the problem of inflammation on acne facial skin and also can clean the clogged face pores. Lemons can also make your face brighter and remove acne scars.
It's easy:
Rice water deposition is a natural traditional way, not many people know the secret of the ability of rice water deposition in treating acne naturally. Benefits contained in rice washing water comes from the content of minerals, vitamins, naturally and natural antioxidants present in rice.
To use it, of course must understand how to make rice laundry water so it can be used as a treatment. Actually there are several ways, but the easy way is to use ordinary rice water wash.
- First step, take enough rice about 1 glass mug.
- pour it in a container then add it with clean water.
- wash the rice briefly and then dispose of the water to separate the dirt, then just add back clean water and stir.
- Let stand for 30 minutes or 1 hour for nutrients in rice to dissolve in water. Finally, separate water with rice.
- - apply evenly the rice deposits on your face
- - be like a normal mask for 15-20 minutes or more, up to you.
Use of Olive Oil for Acne
Have a lot of reviews about olive oil, one of the benefits of olive oil is no stranger to acne treatment and remove acne scars, how?
The most effective way to treat acne with olive oil is during the night, take olive oil and massage on your face, leave your face olive oil full overnight. When the morning rinse with clean water, but for maximum results use a soft cloth, or towel that lebut, then soak it in hot water, then wring it out, and place it to face after the massage process is complete. Leave until the towel is cold then lift it. And for acne to disappear immediately, do this treatment every night.
Massaging facial skin with olive oil can accelerate blood circulation, while eliminating impurities and dead skin cells that clog pores. In addition, its antibacterial properties can kill acne-causing bacteria. Another bonus is this oil also contains vitamin E so it can restore the balance of oil in the face naturally while preventing acne and blemishes acne scars.
Treat the acne naturally further by using a lemon mask
Many beauty products that use lemon as the main ingredient, for example lemon face soap, lemon facial cleanser, what is the content of lemon? yups lemon has L-ascorbic acid content can reduce the problem of inflammation on acne facial skin and also can clean the clogged face pores. Lemons can also make your face brighter and remove acne scars.
It's easy:
- Take 1 lemon
- cut into two parts and then squeeze.
- Apply on face.
- Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
- You can also add 1 tbsp of honey to it to get maximum results.
You definitely want a clean, smooth face without acne. that's easy, the type of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of acne on the jawah known as Propionibacterium acnes, or P. acnes and bacteria types can be overcome with apple vinegar, then how to use apple vinegar for acne treatment? see the following:
Use apple vinegar on the face of acne, but it can also apply apple vinegar as a toner, or as a face mask.
Apply Apple Vinegar (ACV) directly to our skin is very good to fight acne, apple cuk serves as an antiseptic that plays a role in killing bad bacteria. how:
Paste Cotton that has been soaked with apple vinegar or directly wipe apple vinegar on the acne, let stand for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with clean water. We can do this step 2x a day.
Use Apple Vinegar as a Compress Mask:
Mix 2 Tablespoons Apple Vinegar with 2 Water Spoonfuls, then Mix. Dampen the cotton into a solution of apple vinegar that has been made, Stick the cotton on all parts of the face except eyes, nose, and mouth. Let stand for 20-25 minutes.
The benefits of apple cider vinegar is very effective and efficacious for the treatment of acne naturally as well as preventing inflammation of the skin.
Benefits of cucumber to treat acne naturally
few know that cucumber has a very special benefit in curing acne naturally and without side effects on the skin, Cucumber is rich in antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and vitamin C are nutritious to remove toxins from the body, cleanse acne and moisturize the skin.
Natural acne remedy that is avocado mask + honey
Avocado is very easy to get, many sold in supermarkets, as well as honey, in addition to honey and avocado very cheap and affordable. But do not look at the benefits of the price, again I affirm the efficacy and benefits of acne treatment with honey and avocado mask is very fast and effective in curing acne.
Natural ingredients are known for a long time and are the best combination ever to treat acne and remove acne scars. Honey has many benefits for the skin because it contains antibacterial hydrogen peroxide.
While avocados are rich in vitamin E that can penetrate skin pores and reduce inflammation of the skin.
Benefits of cucumber to treat acne naturally
few know that cucumber has a very special benefit in curing acne naturally and without side effects on the skin, Cucumber is rich in antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and vitamin C are nutritious to remove toxins from the body, cleanse acne and moisturize the skin.
- Cut a thin thin cucumber and then apply on the face of acne and let stand for approximately 15 minutes
- Rinse face with warm water
- For maximum results, drink cucumber juice mixed with lime juice.
Natural acne remedy that is avocado mask + honey
Avocado is very easy to get, many sold in supermarkets, as well as honey, in addition to honey and avocado very cheap and affordable. But do not look at the benefits of the price, again I affirm the efficacy and benefits of acne treatment with honey and avocado mask is very fast and effective in curing acne.
Natural ingredients are known for a long time and are the best combination ever to treat acne and remove acne scars. Honey has many benefits for the skin because it contains antibacterial hydrogen peroxide.
While avocados are rich in vitamin E that can penetrate skin pores and reduce inflammation of the skin.
- Take the avocado flesh and put it into a container
- Blend the avocado flesh
- Add one spoon of honey and mix well
- Add also lemon juice (optional)
- Apply face mask on acne for 15-20 minutes
- Rinse with warm water
White egg mask for acne remedy and remove acne scars
This one must have been often heard, so we discussed at the end of this article, has been known efficacy, content, and benefits of egg whites for skin care facial beauty, one of them as a natural healing acne. the existing content of egg whites include lysozim enzyme contained in egg whites can destroy the cell wall of bacteria that cause acne. Egg whites can shrink the pores of the skin and reduce the excess oil that is the cause of acne.
how to make ??
- Take an egg, separate yolks and egg whites.
- Beat the egg whites until fluffy
- Apply on face until dry
- Rinse with warm water
Treat acne with honey
The honey we were not going to discuss, because maybe you already know, but it seems there is less if not add honey on the part of a powerful natural ingredients to treat acne. As you know, honey is a traditional herb that has been used since time immemorial, and become a legacy for the world of beauty.
Utilization of honey to treat the face has been used since the days of ancient kingdom. just at the core, honey has an antiseptic content capable of killing bacteria that cause acne and other honey benefits to reduce inflammation of the skin caused by acne acne. Honey also serves as a natural probiotic that not only effectively reduces acne but prevents the emergence of new acne.
How to make an herb for acne treatment of honey:
- Prepare a few drops of honey
- Apply honey directly on the acne-pricked part
- Let stand for 45 minutes
- After the honey is dry and sticky, rinse with cold water and dry
- You can do this treatment for 3 times a week
While that's all we had to say and write on this occasion, we will always try to update the information about the beauty especially for facial beauty treatment with natural ingredients.
Thank you for visiting our blog, happy activity.
Thanks for reading & sharing Campaka Sirungan
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