Benefits of the essence of cassava for ulcer, intestinal wound healing, natural treatment of the stomach
By utilizing the quintessence of cassava, and the way of treatment is very easy, you only need to drink the quintessence of cassava every morning and at night before bed, it aims to protect or briefly coat the stomach or intestine that there is inflammation. In addition to treating inflammation in the organs of the stomach and intestines, it turns out cassava also has other benefits that kemujarabannya in beauty care, and this is not a lot of people who know.
So how do I make a drink potion from cassava for the treatment of colitis and ulcers?
how to treat the face by utilizing the properties of cassava?
Before reviewing the review of how to manufacture, you should first know what is cassava, what cassava content, to the benefits of cassava for natural treatment.
Cassava is a plant of tubers and this plant has a fruit that grows in the soil, not only the tuber that can be eaten and beneficial for treatment, cassava leaves can also be consumed by way of vegetables or made vegetables, in addition to cassava leaves also have benefits for treatment, we will review below.Cassava has a hard meat texture when still raw, cassava skin color is dark brown or dark brown. but if it has been cooked this food has a great taste, can be processed into various things, and the utilization also varied, starting from to made tapioca flour, processed into snacks, and others.
But behind that cassava has something very amazing, especially for treatment and beauty treatments, it's because the existing content in cassava,
The nutritional content of cassava per 100 gram includes :
- Water 62.50 grams
- Calories 121 cal
- Phosphorus 40.00 grams
- Iron 0.70 milligrams
- Fat 0.30 gram
- 3400 grams of carbohydrate
- Vitamin B1 is 0.01 milligrams
- Calcium 33.00 milligrams
- 1.20 gram protein
- Vitamin C is 30.00 milligrams
sc : wikipedia wiki/ketela_pohon
In my place, in Indonesia cassava is not a rare item, the fruit of this plant is very easy to find in garden gardens or in forest forest and in the market is also very easy to find, the price is also relatively affordable.
how to cultivate cassava to get quintessence :
- Treatment of colitis, gastritis, ulcers with quintessence from cassava.
- first, provide 1-2 cassava bulbs
- remove the outer skin
- wash cassava thoroughly
- provide a container, then grated the cassava and grated input on the container
- if it is all done, squeeze the shredded cassava with a filter, can use a soft cloth
- the water input into the glass
- last drink cassava juice (quintesense cassava)
- if you do not like the taste, you can add palm sugar or white sugar, and can be adjusted to your taste.
notes, do regularly or periodically. to treat wounds or inflammation of the stomach, ulcers, colitis do 2 times a day ie during the morning before eating anything what, and at night before bed.
I have said earlier, not only cassava that can be used for treatment, cassava leaves are also highly efficacious in treating and preventing diseases naturally. Is not a foreign item, on the island of Java vegetable cassava is very legendary and found in many food stalls on the street, because it is so much processed cassava. besides the delicious taste, this cassava leaf vegetable can be used for health. Whether it maintains health or cures some diseases. To find out more about the benefits of cassava leaves for health can be seen as follows Benefits of Cassava Leaves :
Other benefits obtained from cassava leaves is able to overcome external wounds, such as burns, or injuries due to fall. Basically singkon leaves have a rich fiber and iron are good for maintaining health. Where we know the benefits of iron and also the benefits of fiber can help wound healing faster.
Therefore you may have seen a mountain climber or a survival if injured to treat the wound by chewing cassava leaves, then put it on the wounded part of the body, it's all done because they know the content and properties of cassava leaves.
Increases blood
Benefits of leafless leaves as a natural blood enhancer, symptoms if you lack the most easily recognizable blood is easy to headache, especially if it is jongkong and make us difficult to beraktifitas.
ntuk it in solving this problem need to consume foods that can menmabah blood in the body naturally. Namely with cassava leaves.
how very diverse, can make vegetables or consume it after only boiled it.
Prevent osteoporosis
Benefits of Phosphorus and Calcium Benefits One of them is to prevent oestoporosis, therefore why cassava leaves is very good also to prevent osteoporosis for those who are ahead of old and still at a young age.
As for some of the benefits of cassava leaves for beauty, consider the following
preventing free radicals that damage the body, one of the good roles in cassava leaves for beauty is because it acts as an antioxidant.
Helping the diet, Unexpectedly rarely known benefits from other cassava leaves is to help one's diet process, why? it's because it has good protein and fiber content to support a healthy and natural diet that many recommend.
Overcoming the skin wrinkles, With regular consumption of cassava leaves it can make the wrinkles menajadi reduced, and the face will look younger.
There is an essential amino acid in cassava leaves and it functions to help the natural process of cell regeneration. of course, this essential amino acid will help the body to be able to regenerate cells in the body so that it can form a good body metabolism as well.
Actually there are many other benefits that we have not discussed from the efficacy of cassava leaves, such as to maintain eye health, because cassava leaves have vitamin A content that is very good for eye health, then as a stroke prevention food, to increase endurance, as food energy enhancer
Benefits of cassava to treat the face
This is also the secret of the magic of cassava, it turns out cassava has a very amazing benefits in facial care, how to care for the face by utilizing cassava as the main ingredient? Ladies who want a blushing white face in a short time can try this natural treatment. In addition to safe and without side effects because of chemical-free, this treatment is also very economical because the price of cassava is very affordable.
Launched by turns out again again cassava has a content that is very similar to the fruit bengkuang, you already know if yam is very powerful in terms of caring for the face. yupss the benefits are as natural face lightening, other than that cassava is also to menguthuskan face, and natural acne cure, what else benefit from cassava according to shelookbook ?? now the last one that makes us stunned is the benefit in overcoming and removing dark spots on the face.
How to make a face mask from cassava is very easy, follow the tutorial below :
The first step :
- Provide Cassava
- Bowl / container
- Grated
How to Make Mask:
- Peel the cassava vertically to remove the skin more easily.
- Wash thoroughly to remove any residual soil and dirt
- Grate cassava and give a little water.
- the mask is ready to be applied.
Mask Application Tutorial :
- Prepare the mask.
- wash / wash your face clean with warm water so that the skin pores open.
- Apply grated cassava as a mask on the face.
- Let stand until dry.
- Rinse face with cold water to re-close the pores.
- Dry and pat with a soft towel.
- Perform this treatment regularly 2-3 times a week for best results.
Complete the discussion this time, we will always try to complete the article about the benefits of cassava plants from the start of the leaves and tubers for health and beauty.
best regards, thanks
Thanks for reading & sharing Campaka Sirungan
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