Murah, Aman Dan Efektif "Tips Merawat Kesehatan & Kecantikan Kulit Keluarga"
Sabun mandi yang memiliki banyak sekali penggemar terutama para kaum hawa termasuk ibu-ibu ya sabun rosan, produk untuk perawatan kecantikan kulit yang sangat kami rekomendasikan sebagai sabun keluarga yang sehat dan aman untuk semua jenis kulit. Seperti fruitamin soap atau cream pemutih kulit atau juga sabun beras, TARA ROSAN dengan aroma mawar yang menyegarkan memiliki khasiat yang komplit untuk merawat kulit badan, diantaranya :
- - Mengandung elastin yang sangat berkhasiat untuk menjaga kekenyalan atau elastisitas kulit, sehingga kulit selalu tampak segar dan awet muda.
- - Memiliki kandungan pelembab yang tinggi, oleh karenanya sangat dianjurkan sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi kulit kasar, bersisik, menghaluskan tangan dan kaki kapalan.
- - Bermanfaat mencerahkan kulit, memutihkan kulit secara efektif, membuatnya putih merona dengan waktu yang bisa dirasakan hanya dengan beberapa minggu mandi dengan sabun rosan.
- - Wangi harum bunga mawarnya membawa dampak yang sangat baik untuk mengawali hari, aroma terapi yang sangat menyejukan yang dapat membawa mood yang baik.
- - Rosan sabun mandi keluarga bisa menyamarkan garis halus, kerutan pada kulit lho.
- - Agan/Sista bisa jadi resseler..!!! dengan memesan kepada kami, akan mendapatkan harga yang sangat murah,, dapatkan harga dibawah Rp 7000/pcs dengan memesannya lebih dari satu lusin
- Aman,, Teruji Secara Klinis,,,, Banyaknya testimoni yang diberikan para konsumen itu yang pertama, yang kedua ialah sudah terdaftar di BPOM dengan no reg NA 18120500417,, apalagi yang perlu diragukan.
- - Sebagai tips yang ampuh untuk mengatasi kulit pecah pecah (dalam bahasa sunda rorombeun) yang terjadi pada telapak kaki.
- - Peran sebagai oil control, fungsinya mengontrol kandungan minyak berlebih pada kulit
- - Meningkatkan metabolisme sel-sel kulit, sehingga sel kulit mati akan cepat beregenerasi, manfaatnya untuk kulit tubuh/badan yaitu mampu menyamarkan hingga menghilangkan noda hitam atau bercak hitam bekas luka pada kulit.
Banyak sekali khasiat manfaat dari kandungan sabun perawatan kencatikan tubuh ini, namun untuk lebih jelasnya bisa Anda tanyakan pada Admin, atau bisa juga ikuti update artikel di Blog ini, yang mana semua detail tentang produk akan dibahas seiring waktu.
Dimana bisa membeli sabun rosan???
Hubungi : Edelweis (WA 0853 2027 4788)
Hubungi : Edelweis (WA 0853 2027 4788)
Prosedur dan prosesnya sangat cepat dan mudah,,,, Caranya...???
Kirimkan pesat teks, beritahukan :
- - nama dan alamat lengkap tujuan paket akan dikirim
- - berapa dus anda mau membeli sabun rosan (1 dus berisi 12pcs/batang)
- - tunggu balasan dari admin kami mengenai total harga (harga sabun rosan + ongkos kirim)
- - transfer ke rekening yang kami kirimkan, jika sudah jangan lupa kofirmasi ya.
- - produk sabun kecantikan kulit akan dikirim sore harinya kira - kira pukul 16.00 - 18.00 akan kami sertakan juga no resi kepada agan, jadi Anda semua bisa mengecek perjalanan paket kecantikan kulit ini.
- - jika sudah sampai di lokasi agan mohon konfirmasikan lagi.
Komposisi atau bahan yang ada pada sabun rosan diantaranya adalah minyak zaitun dan squalene oil serta memiliki kandungan antiseptik yang sangat berperan aktif dalam membunuh dan mencegah penyebaran bakteri dan jamur yang menyebabkan berbagai gangguan kulit/penyakit kulit seperti ruam merah, gatal-gatal.
Oh iya,,, satu hal lagi, Ada kabar baik,, agan semua bisa mengirimkan testimoni tentang hasil dari memakai sabun rosan kepada admin, akan kami posting satu persatu beserta nama dan kota asal.
Terima Kasih sudah mempercayai kami,, jangan ungkan untuk bertanya.
Ini Dia Tips Memutihkan Badan Yang Mudah dengan Rosan Sabun Mandi
Posted by Campaka Sirungan on 2018/10/22
Benefits And Side Effects Of Cat's Mustache For Health
There are two types of cats whiskers, the difference can be seen from the color of flowers, one white and the other is purple. Cats whiskers plant is very useful to overcome various problems of health and treatment of disease naturally, cats whiskers have Latin name Orthosiphon Aristatus, and has long been known as a very efficacious and very efficacious medicinal plant, parts in the cats whiskers plant that are useful for treatment are the leaves and the ends of young stems.
Nutritionist, Dr. med. dr. Maya Surjadjaja, MS, SpGK said the cat's whiskers are very nutritious to treat various diseases one of them is kidney stone disease, why can be treated with cat's whiskers? this is because in the cat whiskers plants have the content of substances that can shed kidney stones, then what is the contents of the cat's whiskers plant and its benefits for treatment, follow the full review of this whisker cat plant.
The cat whiskers plant (Orthosiphon Aristatus)) has the following content :
- essential oil
- fat oil
- saponins
- potassium
- tannin
- glycosides
- anthosiphon
- myoinositol
- potassium salts
- flavonoid
flavonoids, cat whiskers have flavonoids, potentially as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory
- orthshiponin glycoside benefits as :
- uric acid solvent
- oxalic acid (especially in the bladder, kidneys and bile)
- phosphate
besides the cat's whiskers also have active compounds in the form of anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, has a useful diuretic properties as peluruh kidney stone, as a natural medicine inflammation of the prostate, to treat gallstones, to treat urinary tract infections.
why cat whiskers are very efficacious for treating hypertension is the presence of methylripochromen content that is able to inhibit the response of smooth muscle contraction of blood vessel walls so that blood pressure tends to decrease. cat whiskers can be processed in such a way, from simple, such as boiling, used as herbs, made tea, can also be dried, but it can also be used as spices and others.
As a traditional medicine typical of indonesia cats whiskers plants have many benefits for the treatment of various diseases, including :
- overcome kidney stone disease
- overcome diabetes
- treating pain in the back / waist, joints and muscles
- treat rheumatism
- as a natural remedy of albuminaria
- treat gout
- overcome constipation
- a natural cure for syphilis
- traditional medicine; high blood pressure (hypertension)
- treat inflammation of the kidney
- whitish medicine
- to relieve cough
- Natural itching drugs, especially those caused due to allergies
- natural stone urine medicine
- as a cure for asthma
- traditional medicine to relieve fever
- to treat swollen gums
Another benefit of the cat's whiskers plant is :
- to lose weight, is perfect for you who want to go on a natural diet
- as ingredient for liver detoxification
- Controlling blood sugar levels
- as an antibacterial
- launch urinary expenditure
- to cope with catching a cold
- to boost the immune system
- to launch menstruation
- to reduce symptoms in asthma
That is some of the benefits of the leaves of the cat whiskers (Orthosiphon aristatus), this typical Indonesian plant has a lot of names, in some areas its name is "madura-songotkoneng" - the other name is kidney tea plants, or commonly called java tea (english).
The cat whiskers plant is one of the highly nutritious medicinal plants, cats whiskers plant originated from Africa but its spread to the autralia and the Asian region.
In east java and central java the name of the cat whiskers plant is "remujung", if in sumatra its name is "giri-girimarah" and this plant belongs to plant from family Lamiaceae / Labiatae, to know this plant is not difficult, its characteristic is grow upright, have wet trunks when picked, other than that the flowers have a very exact appearance with the cat's whiskers in animals, that's a brief description of the cat's whiskers plant.
Leaves cat whiskers to treat inflammation of the kidney
inflammation of the kidneys is swelling in one part of the body, inflammation of the kidney is characterized by the onset of pain is so strong, the cause is due to kidney problems so the kidneys do not work optimally and so cause the fluid to accumulate and cause swelling.
Signs of kidney inflammation are generally pain in the waist, fever, swelling of the feet, hands, and eyelids, things are easy to see is cloudy urine and reduced volume.
To overcome inflammation of the kidneys with the leaves of the cat's whiskers are as follows, the first one leaves leaves whiskers 60 to 120 grams or about 5-10 pieces, boiled with 3 glasses of water or about 600cc, if using a 200cc-sized glass, leave to mature and boil so that 1 cup when cooked, drink 3 times a day to recover quickly.
Treating diabetes with cat's whiskers
To overcome and prevent diabetes mellitus, or diseases caused due to increased blood sugar levels in the body, can be with cat's whiskers.
how :
Boil the leaves of cat whiskers approximately 15 sheets in 2 glasses of water. Bring to a boil, and drink the potion once a day.
The cause of increased sugar levels is usually caused by too much consumption sweet sweet foods so that the hormone insulin can not neutralize excess sugar into the body, other causes of diabetes is due to insulin resistance
Leaves cat whiskers to cope with high blood disease (hypertension)
make a decoction of boiled water or tea leaves cat whiskers are as follows:
boil the leaves of a cat's whiskers as much as 50 grams, boil with 2 cups of water (400cc), let to boil and only 1 cup left (200cc), boiled from 400cc >> 200cc, drink once a day to speed up the process of lowering blood pressure.
high blood pressure or hypertension occurs due to several things, such as food, the burden of the mind (stress), and other causes is the narrowing of blood vessels so that blood pressure to rise. a natural remedy for lowering high blood is with a potion of cat's whiskers.
The benefits of cat's whiskers to treat rheumatism
rheumatism is a type of disease that attacks muscles, tendons and joints, the exact cause of rheumatic diseases is unknown, but allegedly due to genetic factors, viral infections or hormonal changes. treatment with cat's whiskers leaves aims to reduce pain and eliminate inflammation.
how to make traditional herbs from cat whiskers to treat rheumatism:
- provide 5 - 10 leaves of cat whiskers
- provide also some leaves of Phyllanthus urinaria (indonesia - meniran)
- boiled with 3 cups water to half
- Drinking herbal medicinal mustache leaves 3 times a day, 1x drink hanya half a glass
Leaves cat whiskers to treat albuminaria
albuminaria or proteinuria is a disease in which the urine in the body contains many albumin proteins. (albumin is one type of protein contained in the blood). cause there are several things, such as severe activity or severe exercise and urinary tract infections can also produce albuminuria. but in essence are all diseases with symptoms of kidney damage such as nephrotic syndrome, nephritis, heart failure and hypertension can also trigger albuminuria. do not worry the leaves of cat's whiskers can help prevent and treat the disease albuminaria.
how to make herbal medicine to treat gout
uric acid is caused by excessive consumption of purine substances, and the kidneys can not excrete purine substances from within the body, so it seems like a brief review. to make a powerful traditional medicine from the leaves of cat whiskers is very easy, follow the tutorial below.
Boil 5 sheets of cat whiskers with one cup water, leave to mature and half cup. You can also add measure for example, 10 sheets with 2 glasses of water and when cooked into 1 cup.
drink this herb medicine medicine 3 times a day to speed up the healing process of this disease.
Traditional medicine cat whiskers to heal cough
Traditional herbs cat whiskers as natural cough medicine, very effective to treat cough with phlegm, dry cough, asthma cough, bronchitis, whooping cough. Herbal ingredients of cat whiskers are very effective and efficient in overcoming this disease, cough is usually caused by allergies, germs, or also because of dust, and at first you will feel itching in the throat plus a fever.
Treating cough with herbal ingredients leaves cat whiskers :
take and clean up 15 sheets of cat's whiskers that are still very fresh, cook with 3 cups water, let until cooked and boiling and only 1 cup left. drink 2-3 times.
There have been many researches to find out the further benefits of cat whiskers, such as antioxidant content, anti-hypertension, and research to treat kidney stones with cat leaf cat ingredients.
leaves the cat's whiskers to treat kidney stones :
Clinical trials show 40% of patients with kidney stones who regularly and periodically drink or consume cat whiskers show improved health levels within 6 months. Still about the efficacy of the leaves of a cat whiskers to overcome kidney stones, the results of research, as many as 20 percent of patients with kidney stone disease discomfort is reduced.
Leaves cat whiskers have an excellent antioxidant effect for health
research on mice showed boiled water leaves the cat whiskers contain antioxidant substances that can inhibit lipid peroksidasi and can reduce free radicals in the liver of mice.
Leaves whiskers cat as antihypertensive
one of the universities in Japan through research on the leaves of cat whiskers, and the result is very surprising that the cat's whiskers contain substances can lowered hypertension.
Excessive consumption effect of cat whiskers
But there are some things you should look at, what is it? behind the content and benefits of cat whiskers there are side effects if in excessive consumption. Therefore we recommend adequate doses in natural treatment with cat whiskers.
- Not good for pregnant women consume excessive leaf cat whiskers
- Leaves of cat's whiskers cause low blood
it is very good for people with hypertension, but because the content of the leaves of the cat's whiskers will cause low blood if consumed excessively, therefore if it is cured should stop treatment with a cat's whiskers.
- Interfere with heart function
consuming too many herbs or traditional cat whiskers (java tea) can interfere with the functioning of the heart, therefore use the leaves of a cat whiskers wisely, still follow the recommended dosage for alternative medicine or natural treatment
So a review of the efficacy, benefits, content and side effects of cat's whiskers, always keep your health, "the saying says' prevent better than cure" Thank You
sandi maulana
6/04/2018 03:07:00 AM
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaTraditional medicine cat whiskers to heal cough
Traditional herbs cat whiskers as natural cough medicine, very effective to treat cough with phlegm, dry cough, asthma cough, bronchitis, whooping cough. Herbal ingredients of cat whiskers are very effective and efficient in overcoming this disease, cough is usually caused by allergies, germs, or also because of dust, and at first you will feel itching in the throat plus a fever.
Treating cough with herbal ingredients leaves cat whiskers :
take and clean up 15 sheets of cat's whiskers that are still very fresh, cook with 3 cups water, let until cooked and boiling and only 1 cup left. drink 2-3 times.
There have been many researches to find out the further benefits of cat whiskers, such as antioxidant content, anti-hypertension, and research to treat kidney stones with cat leaf cat ingredients.
leaves the cat's whiskers to treat kidney stones :
Clinical trials show 40% of patients with kidney stones who regularly and periodically drink or consume cat whiskers show improved health levels within 6 months. Still about the efficacy of the leaves of a cat whiskers to overcome kidney stones, the results of research, as many as 20 percent of patients with kidney stone disease discomfort is reduced.
Leaves cat whiskers have an excellent antioxidant effect for health
research on mice showed boiled water leaves the cat whiskers contain antioxidant substances that can inhibit lipid peroksidasi and can reduce free radicals in the liver of mice.
Leaves whiskers cat as antihypertensive
one of the universities in Japan through research on the leaves of cat whiskers, and the result is very surprising that the cat's whiskers contain substances can lowered hypertension.
Excessive consumption effect of cat whiskers
But there are some things you should look at, what is it? behind the content and benefits of cat whiskers there are side effects if in excessive consumption. Therefore we recommend adequate doses in natural treatment with cat whiskers.
- Not good for pregnant women consume excessive leaf cat whiskers
- Leaves of cat's whiskers cause low blood
it is very good for people with hypertension, but because the content of the leaves of the cat's whiskers will cause low blood if consumed excessively, therefore if it is cured should stop treatment with a cat's whiskers.
- Interfere with heart function
consuming too many herbs or traditional cat whiskers (java tea) can interfere with the functioning of the heart, therefore use the leaves of a cat whiskers wisely, still follow the recommended dosage for alternative medicine or natural treatment
So a review of the efficacy, benefits, content and side effects of cat's whiskers, always keep your health, "the saying says' prevent better than cure" Thank You
Benefits leaf of life for treatment with natural herbal ingredients
Gynura procumbens is one of the typical herbal plants from indonesia, and is often used as a vegetable in food. Leaves on this plant has a very efficacious effect in curing various diseases starting from hypertension to diabetes can be treated with the leaves of life (gynura procumbens). gynura procumbens leaf has long been used as a medium of traditional medicine and passed down from generation to generation from indonesia since still royal period, because spices and herbs also this country colonized by nation of portugis and dutch until japan.
back to the core of the problem about the leaves of life or that have latin name gynura procumbens, well so this leaf is very famous for its usefulness in treating chronic diseases naturally without harmful side effects, and in the modern era is now a lot of medication processed from the leaves of life, there is a form of capsules, tablets, and herbal medicine, is intended to facilitate patients or consumers in taking this natural medicine.
Currently gynura herbal plants are scattered and there are various countries such as Africa and China, for the life of the plant in Bali is the island of Bali, sumatra and is definitely on the island of Java (west Java, central Java, East Java). These are some of the ingredients of the leaves of life (gynura procumbens) that are as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive and anticarcinogenic.
This leaf is very unique, because it seems to give hope to patients who are sick, Some of the important compounds present in the leaf of life include :
- phenolic
- saponins
- triterpenes
- asparaginase
- kaempeferol-3-O-neohesperidoside
- essential oils
- triterpenoids
- steroids
- kumarite acids
- polyphenols
- flavonoids
- kaempeferol-3-glucoside
- tannins
- sterol glycosides
- quarcetin
- chlorogenic acid
- vanilic acids
- caffeic acid
- p-hydroxy benzoate acids
- and so on
No wonder not if this plant has a variety of nicknames are very attached to them are the plant life-giving hope, cancer cure plants, herbal medicine is very powerful and others. It's all because of its usefulness in healing and curing various diseases. Complete content that exists in the leaves of life has a vital role that is very important in maintaining a healthy body. The following diseases are treated with herbal medicine leaves gynura procumbens :
Leaves of Life (gynura procumbens) as anti-cancer
How to Eat Leaf Connection Lives for Cancer Patients
- The first way is to process the leaves of life to become juice
- Way, boiled 20 grams of leaves of fresh connection with 3 glasses of water. Wait until the water shrinks by half or into one half cup (1 1/2) 300cc.
- Strain, then drink warm.
- For maximum results, this therapy lasts 2x a day, for 14 days. Continue to check to find out the condition of the latest cancer cells post-life therapy leaf therapy.
The second way, and this way is the simplest way is to melalap 3 pieces of leaves continued life, routine 2x a day, for 7 days in a row. And, it can be continued in accordance with the degree of severity of cancer suffered.
That's how to make a natural herbal medicine to treat and prevent the spread of cancer and tumors.
Cancer is a disease that worsens the quality of life at the same time very life-threatening, it can be eradicated by the leaves of life. Especially blood cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and uterine cancer.
The content of terpenoid compounds also shows a superiority that is not less great. The difference, this Terpenoid work as anti-metastasis or anti-invasion. These compounds block the path of the nearest spread of cancer cells. So the movement of cancer cells is limited and allows other compounds to pound out cancer cells at one point.
In addition there are also the content of flavonoids and various other ingredients that are efficacious in the healing of cancer and tumors. The flavonoids on the leaves of life have a duty to inhibit cancer cell survival. By falvonoid, cancer cells are overcome by suppressing the supply of nutrients and oxygen so that starvation cells die and die. Based on various scientific evidences, life-leaf content as written above, most of the potential as a carcinogenic alias anti-cancer.
Natural remedy for diabetes
The next benefit of the leaves of life is as a natural cure for diabetes. In order to blood sugar kada always in a normal level you can consume the leaves sambung hidupwa (gynura procumbens). Continued leaf proven to neutralize and maintain diabetic sugar levels. For the way of consumption is very easy, you just choose to eat it directly as fresh vegetables, or can also be made herbal medicine like the way I mentioned earlier.
How very easy with this leaves consumption as fresh vegetables. follow the way below:
- First, you need to prepare a fresh lifespan of 7 pieces
- then wash thoroughly under running water to prevent dust, bacteria and debris from disappearing.
- Try to do this before eating so it can be used as fresh rice at breakfast and at night.
Benefits of gynura procumbens plant leaves to lower cholesterol
Still used for vegetable rice, gynura procumbens (leaves of life) can use to treat cholesterol is to throw bad cholesterol in the body. how to consume is very easy, just consuming 3 pieces of herbal leaves connect the soul every meal.
Reduce Hypertension naturally with gynura procumbens (leaf of life)
Hypertension or commonly called high blood pressure should not be underestimated, this disease is one of the deadly diseases. Why??? Because the disease is the trigger of the arrival of other diseases such as stroke and blood vessel damage.
The leaves of life or gynura procumbens is highly efficacious in lowering high blood pressure (hypertension) because it has a hypotensive nature that serves to lower blood pressure. how to consume this herbal leaf can be made herbs, juice, or consumed directly with the food menu.
Many patients or patients with hypertension who are forced to take the drug for life to keep blood pressure stable. But certainly there are side effects of the use of long-term chemical drugs is certainly very dangerous. So, the best alternative is to consume the leaves of life.
Gynura procumbens (leaf of life) for the treatment of sinusitis
Sinusitis is a disease caused by inflammation of the sinus wall.
The symptoms are typical and easily recognizable in the form of a continuous runny nose without accompanied fulu, the voice is changed, the pain in the face area. This disease does not have to end up on the operating table, which is routinely and periodically consume 7 leaves of life, which is processed into sinusitis juice can be cured.
Leaves of life for the natural treatment of liver disease
Benefits of the next life leaves are for traditional medicine liver disease. The way is slightly different, namely by making juice from the leaves of gynura procumbens. A little note for the liver teller, try to always avoid foods that have a lot of fat. Consumption juice leaf of life continued on a regular basis.
Here's the full benefits of gynura procumbens or leaves of life, for health and treatment:
- Treat cancer
- Lowering fever
- Treating hypertension
- Lowers cholesterol
- Treating heartburn
- Treat rheumatism
- Treat gout
- Helps to treat sinusitis
- Helps to treat stroke
- To help overcome seizures
- For ambient treatment
- Overcoming tumor disease
- Treat eczema
- Menstruating
- Helps to treat titanus
- Helps maintain kidney health
- Treat wounds
- Eliminates warts
- Treating animal bites
- Treating colds
To find this leaf is not difficult, many found in tropical regions, gynura pcocumbens (wildlife leaves) are wild plants and are found in fields, gardens, yard, and forest forest. Although there are many "leaves of life" in Indonesia (especially in Java, Sumatra, and Bali), but based on the history of the discovery, the leaves of life were first found in Africa. Then, spread to Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, and Indonesia. In fact, several other countries are now trying to cultivate this plant because it is interested in the usefulness. Unfortunately, despite being a wild plant, the leaves of life are not always able to survive in all countries. Still, climatic factors and soil fertility become decisive.
The leaves of life equipped with a lot of oil gland cells. Thus, these leaves produce a distinctive aroma when squeezed or crushed.It has a very distinctive and recognizable color that is shiny green color, to a dense green with a purplish accent at the end. Some of the leaves continue to have a straight edge ordinary, there is also a grooved. Similarly, on the surface of the leaves, there is a smooth, some are fluffy hairs.
The shape is also unique in the form of ellipses, or often likened to an inverted egg. Leaf bone-shaped pinnate and feels very prominent if touched on the bottom of the leaf. Thus the explanation of the leaf continued "Gynura Procumbens", hopefully this article can add knowledge about natural treatment with herbal ingredients that are high efficacious.
Benefits of the essence of cassava for ulcer, intestinal wound healing, natural treatment of the stomach
By utilizing the quintessence of cassava, and the way of treatment is very easy, you only need to drink the quintessence of cassava every morning and at night before bed, it aims to protect or briefly coat the stomach or intestine that there is inflammation. In addition to treating inflammation in the organs of the stomach and intestines, it turns out cassava also has other benefits that kemujarabannya in beauty care, and this is not a lot of people who know.
So how do I make a drink potion from cassava for the treatment of colitis and ulcers?
how to treat the face by utilizing the properties of cassava?
Before reviewing the review of how to manufacture, you should first know what is cassava, what cassava content, to the benefits of cassava for natural treatment.
Cassava is a plant of tubers and this plant has a fruit that grows in the soil, not only the tuber that can be eaten and beneficial for treatment, cassava leaves can also be consumed by way of vegetables or made vegetables, in addition to cassava leaves also have benefits for treatment, we will review below.Cassava has a hard meat texture when still raw, cassava skin color is dark brown or dark brown. but if it has been cooked this food has a great taste, can be processed into various things, and the utilization also varied, starting from to made tapioca flour, processed into snacks, and others.
But behind that cassava has something very amazing, especially for treatment and beauty treatments, it's because the existing content in cassava,
The nutritional content of cassava per 100 gram includes :
- Water 62.50 grams
- Calories 121 cal
- Phosphorus 40.00 grams
- Iron 0.70 milligrams
- Fat 0.30 gram
- 3400 grams of carbohydrate
- Vitamin B1 is 0.01 milligrams
- Calcium 33.00 milligrams
- 1.20 gram protein
- Vitamin C is 30.00 milligrams
sc : wikipedia wiki/ketela_pohon
In my place, in Indonesia cassava is not a rare item, the fruit of this plant is very easy to find in garden gardens or in forest forest and in the market is also very easy to find, the price is also relatively affordable.
how to cultivate cassava to get quintessence :
- Treatment of colitis, gastritis, ulcers with quintessence from cassava.
- first, provide 1-2 cassava bulbs
- remove the outer skin
- wash cassava thoroughly
- provide a container, then grated the cassava and grated input on the container
- if it is all done, squeeze the shredded cassava with a filter, can use a soft cloth
- the water input into the glass
- last drink cassava juice (quintesense cassava)
- if you do not like the taste, you can add palm sugar or white sugar, and can be adjusted to your taste.
notes, do regularly or periodically. to treat wounds or inflammation of the stomach, ulcers, colitis do 2 times a day ie during the morning before eating anything what, and at night before bed.
I have said earlier, not only cassava that can be used for treatment, cassava leaves are also highly efficacious in treating and preventing diseases naturally. Is not a foreign item, on the island of Java vegetable cassava is very legendary and found in many food stalls on the street, because it is so much processed cassava. besides the delicious taste, this cassava leaf vegetable can be used for health. Whether it maintains health or cures some diseases. To find out more about the benefits of cassava leaves for health can be seen as follows Benefits of Cassava Leaves :
Other benefits obtained from cassava leaves is able to overcome external wounds, such as burns, or injuries due to fall. Basically singkon leaves have a rich fiber and iron are good for maintaining health. Where we know the benefits of iron and also the benefits of fiber can help wound healing faster.
Therefore you may have seen a mountain climber or a survival if injured to treat the wound by chewing cassava leaves, then put it on the wounded part of the body, it's all done because they know the content and properties of cassava leaves.
Increases blood
Benefits of leafless leaves as a natural blood enhancer, symptoms if you lack the most easily recognizable blood is easy to headache, especially if it is jongkong and make us difficult to beraktifitas.
ntuk it in solving this problem need to consume foods that can menmabah blood in the body naturally. Namely with cassava leaves.
how very diverse, can make vegetables or consume it after only boiled it.
Prevent osteoporosis
Benefits of Phosphorus and Calcium Benefits One of them is to prevent oestoporosis, therefore why cassava leaves is very good also to prevent osteoporosis for those who are ahead of old and still at a young age.
As for some of the benefits of cassava leaves for beauty, consider the following
preventing free radicals that damage the body, one of the good roles in cassava leaves for beauty is because it acts as an antioxidant.
Helping the diet, Unexpectedly rarely known benefits from other cassava leaves is to help one's diet process, why? it's because it has good protein and fiber content to support a healthy and natural diet that many recommend.
Overcoming the skin wrinkles, With regular consumption of cassava leaves it can make the wrinkles menajadi reduced, and the face will look younger.
There is an essential amino acid in cassava leaves and it functions to help the natural process of cell regeneration. of course, this essential amino acid will help the body to be able to regenerate cells in the body so that it can form a good body metabolism as well.
Actually there are many other benefits that we have not discussed from the efficacy of cassava leaves, such as to maintain eye health, because cassava leaves have vitamin A content that is very good for eye health, then as a stroke prevention food, to increase endurance, as food energy enhancer
Benefits of cassava to treat the face
This is also the secret of the magic of cassava, it turns out cassava has a very amazing benefits in facial care, how to care for the face by utilizing cassava as the main ingredient? Ladies who want a blushing white face in a short time can try this natural treatment. In addition to safe and without side effects because of chemical-free, this treatment is also very economical because the price of cassava is very affordable.
Launched by turns out again again cassava has a content that is very similar to the fruit bengkuang, you already know if yam is very powerful in terms of caring for the face. yupss the benefits are as natural face lightening, other than that cassava is also to menguthuskan face, and natural acne cure, what else benefit from cassava according to shelookbook ?? now the last one that makes us stunned is the benefit in overcoming and removing dark spots on the face.
How to make a face mask from cassava is very easy, follow the tutorial below :
The first step :
- Provide Cassava
- Bowl / container
- Grated
How to Make Mask:
- Peel the cassava vertically to remove the skin more easily.
- Wash thoroughly to remove any residual soil and dirt
- Grate cassava and give a little water.
- the mask is ready to be applied.
Mask Application Tutorial :
- Prepare the mask.
- wash / wash your face clean with warm water so that the skin pores open.
- Apply grated cassava as a mask on the face.
- Let stand until dry.
- Rinse face with cold water to re-close the pores.
- Dry and pat with a soft towel.
- Perform this treatment regularly 2-3 times a week for best results.
Complete the discussion this time, we will always try to complete the article about the benefits of cassava plants from the start of the leaves and tubers for health and beauty.
best regards, thanks
There are some things you should understand about cholesterol, what are they? the first is the cause, the symptoms, and the last is the way of treatment. Actually cholesterol is a fatty substance commonly known as lipid substance, and this substance is produced by the liver, but not infrequently these lipid substances come from food. In short, cholesterol is a metabolite containing sterol fats, found in cells and circulated in blood plasma, that's about cholesterol. Although high cholesterol does not cause any symptoms, but still harmful to health, it is due to high levels of lipid called hyperlipidaemia.
The body needs some cholesterol to make hormones, substances that help to digest food and vitamin D, our body makes all the cholesterol it needs. Cholesterol is also found in foods, and this I mentioned earlier, therefore a healthy diet is one factor to prevent the best cholesterol.
However, not all cholesterol is bad for the body, HDL cholesterol is good for health, because it has a role as solvent bad cholesterol in the body. While the type of LDL cholesterol is a bad for the body. the normal limit of cholesterol is 160-200 mg.
LDL cholesterol is known by the name of bad cholesterol, which causes this type of high cholesterol is due to buildup in the arteries. what is an artery? An artery is a blood-restorer that carries blood from the heart to the body. well, so if the amount of cholesterol exceeds that required by the body, then this is what makes the deposition of the arterial wall, and cause bad cholesterol (LDL).
Next is the explanation of good cholesterol or called HDL, why is it called good cholesterol ?? that would be a question for you. The answer is because it brings cholesterol from the cells and back to the liver.
What is high cholesterol?
a brief explanation, So the point is a condition where a person has too much cholesterol in the blood and usually this condition without them knowing, because it has no obvious symptoms or signs. Therefore many people do not know if they have high cholesterol levels.
The higher LDL cholesterol in the blood will cause some other diseases, say it will trigger coronary heart disease (coronary artery), but if the higher HDL cholesterol type then it will make the less likely to have heart disease.
Why is cholesterol related to heart disease?
Because coronary heart disease is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries (heart), and the plaque itself consists of several things such as cholesterol, fat, kalisum and other substances that exist in the blood, this condition is known as atherosclerosis.
So very closely linked between cholesterol and heart disease, because it always keep health, by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, because a proverb says that "expensive healthy will be felt when we are sick".
Anything that affects cholesterol levels
- food
- consuming too much saturated fat
- consuming too much that contains trans fat
- Eating foods that contain cholesterol that can increase cholesterol in the blood
- lack of exercise
- the body becomes inactive can lower HDL (good cholesterol)
- age
- age has stepped 20, at this age cholesterol begin to increase
- diabetes
- because high blood sugar will contribute to high LDL cholesterol, and cause HDL to decline.
- other than that high blood sugar will also cause damage to the lining of the arteries
- hereditary factors (genetic factors)
- if family or siblings, can parents or anyone have this history, you can also have it
- smoke
- affect damage to blood vessel walls
- accumulate fat deposits
- lower HDL cholesterol levels
- be fat (overweight)
- lower HDL levels
the cause is very diverse, dintaranya is, full fat milk products, red meat, baked goods, and many other animal products that can cause bad cholesterol increased
- obesity
-It is common knowledge that obesity is one of the causes of various diseases and it is harmful to health. Obesity is one cause of high cholesterol risk.
How to know the symptoms of cholesterol?
I told you that, so cholesterol has no obvious symptoms, the most effective way to know is to do a blood test. By doing a blood test to test cholesterol levels is the best and most effective way, the way to test the blood is a lipid panel. By performing a lipid panel it will be known the patient's cholesterol level, measuring the fat in the blood, whether harmful or still within normal levels, the lipid panel measures the levels of HDL and LDL effectively.
Why is cholesterol so important?
because in cholesterol, health experts will know the level of levels that are at risk for other diseases, such as stroke, diabetes, heart disease. And not only that of cholesterol levels will be known your blood pressure, your gender, whether you are a smoker and others.
Prevent and treat cholesterol...!!!
For the first cholesterol prevention is to maintain a healthy diet, always eat foods with balanced nutrition, it is a very effective first step and is advised to prevent bad cholesterol increases. avoid high fat foods, I think you already know this food category. With normal cholesterol levels will make you avoid coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The key to healthy cholesterol is to always consult a doctor, as they are highly skilled and know what things are being done to prevent and treat this problem.
Healthy diet
- Highly recommended by american heart association, yups so healthy diet according to the association is a diet by eating a diet that does not contain saturated fat. Foods that contain no saturated fat include vegetables, fruits, ores, low-fat milk.
- Things to avoid are red meat, sweet foods, sweet drinks. The point is to do diet with DASH pattern (Dietary Aproaches to Stop Hypertension). This is all highly recommended by Lung, National Heart, the US Department of Agriculture, Blood Institutions. This diet can be adapted to cultural preferences, so do not set a specific food.
- regular exercise
- avoid tobacco smoke
- choose and understand therapeutic drugs
Lowering and curing cholesterol By Leaf Salam (bay leaf)
For you culinary lovers of Indonesia, is definitely no stranger to bay leaf. It turned out that in addition to popular to serve as fragrances in cooking, bay leaves are also very effective in lowering cholesterol levels naturally. Herbal ingredients with bay leaves are very easy to make.
To prevent high cholesterol, need to apply a healthy lifestyle and diet. Prapti Utami describes bay leaves one of the best herbal options, for high cholesterol patients. Previously first know what the content of bay leaves, so as to cure and lower high cholesterol. The bay leaves also contain tannin and saponin compounds. Tanin serves to suppress the body's fat absorption. While saponin serves to bind cholesterol with bile acids that can lower excess cholesterol levels. The fiber content in the bay leaves serves to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, so as to reduce cholesterol levels.
The bay leaves contain flavonoid compounds that act as anti-oxidants. These compounds are able to prevent the oxidation process in body cells that could be the cause of the emergence of degenerative diseases. Quercetin, one of the flavonoids present in the bay leaves can prevent LDL oxidation.
Tea bay leaves / boiled water bay leaves to treat cholesterol :
- First provide 5 - 10 bay leaves
- wash thoroughly
- boiled bay leaves with 3 glasses of water (600cc), up to 1 glass of water
- strain the bay leaf before drinking it
- note: best time, drink tea bay leaves this night,
By drinking boiled water or bay tea is not only to reduce high cholesterol levels, but also has other benefits for health such as is to treat gout, to lose weight, and help improve body power.
Quoted from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, consuming bay leaves can lower total cholesterol by about 20 to 24 percent. The results were obtained after 30 days consuming bay leaf.
Second, herbal medicine to lower cholesterol is soursop leaf water
As you already know, nowadays a lot of health products that use this herbal ingredients for treatment. such as soursop leaf extract, soursop leaf tea, but we will tell you this time is how to make your own herbal ingredients.
How to process the herb from soursop leaves:
- Take 10 sheets of soursop leaves
- Wash thoroughly with running water
- Then, boil the soursop leaves with 2 glasses of water (400cc)
- After boiling, cook water leaves half soursop leaves (to 1 cup)
- Wait for soursop leaves to warm then drink the soursop stew boiled regularly 2 times a day
Soursop leaf is believed to have been scientifically proven to have high antioxidant content, so it can provide excellent health benefits for our bodies, especially those related to levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Drink apple cider vinegar for natural cholesterol reduction
How to consume:
- Drink one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water.
- To get effective results then drink for 30-40 days every day.
- If you do not like the taste of pure apple cider vinegar then drink 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a mixture of orange juice or apple juice.
Apple cider vinegar contains natural ingredients like flavonoids that will fight cholesterol and triglycerides in your body. Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy to overcome various diseases. This drug is very good and effective for lowering cholesterol because it contains high acid levels. But for patients with ulcer disease, should be the consumption of apple cider vinegar in limited quantities.
Black tea "lowers cholesterol levels naturally"
this way has also been widely discussed, in various forums, other online media blogs. so just go to the core of the benefits of black tea to reduce cholesterol levels. from the results of a study proves that black tea can prevent cancer naturally. Research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture shows if consumption of five cups of black tea in a week can lower cholesterol by 10%. But consumption of black tea should also be balanced with a healthy diet such as low-fat foods, low cholesterol foods and low-sugar foods. The study also proves that consumption of black tea may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
How to: Drink black tea every morning or evening without added sugar. Note a balanced nutritional intake while performing this treatment.
The first article discussing about cholesterol and how to handle it, especially by using ingredients or herbal ingredients that are very close for treatment naturally in lowering cholesterol levels. Thank you .. good regards
The process of removing toxins in the body "natural detoxification"
Have you ever wondered why our parents in ancient times had a longer life, they were healthier than us and rarely sick. Do you know why? actually that's what we will review in the article. The question is very easy to answer, all because of the food they eat is still very natural, the air is still very clean and far from pollution (not contaminated), and healthy lifestyle they apply, a regular and correct diet.
Therefore, many of our parents who do not know the drugs sold at kiosks, supermarkets or pharmacies do care in a natural way passed down from generation to generation, including to detoxify "cleansing toxins in the body".
Is it effective to detox with natural ingredients ??Detox toxins in the body with natural ingredients are very effective, the content of this material has been clinically tested, it is clearly proven its usefulness and its benefits to the health of organs in our body. Before reviewing the process of making this traditional herb, it would be better if you know first "what is detox?" and the importance of the detox process for the health of the body? ''
How to make traditional herb for detox poison in our body ??
What herbal ingredients can be used for detox ??
Have you tested this natural way?
Briefly detoxification is improving the quality of the foods you eat, improving your lifestyle, and / or stopping some bad habits. The reason for doing this is that you feel better in your physical body, and ultimately to feel better about yourself.
The human body has its own natural detox system which is nothing but the heart, intestines and kidneys. Detox is the process of getting rid of toxins in the body of the organ I mentioned earlier, and the toxins that are thrown away are toxic substances of all kinds of dirt and toxins that accidentally or unknowingly have entered our body for long periods of time.
Immediately do detox, if you experience this problem :
- Digestive disorders
- Discard gas or flatulence
- Weakened immune system
- Not able to lose weight
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Mild headache or migraine
- Pain and muscle pain
- Disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract
- Depression
- Always feeling lethargic
The body should be able to do the detox naturally, but with the decline in the immune conditions of the body a person makes the body no longer able to do that.
There is also an association between chronic neurological diseases and some cancers derived from a person's inability to naturally detoxify.
Try to do detox, at least once a month. Your body systems are not designed to continuously digest processed starches and refined sugars throughout your life. Those systems will always need your attention.
Your digestive system and your intestines can detoxify some of your daily food intake, but after years or even decades of eating a diet high in fat, refined flour, your body can no longer cope
Besides toxins and chemicals, what else needs detoxification? According to Nature's Sunshine, Inc., a supplement company, in an average year people will consume:
- 150 slices of pizza
- 566 cans of soda
- 150 pounds of sugar
- 45 bags of potato chips
- 120 French fries
- 190 big candy bar
- 120 pastries or dessert
This food can be a source of trouble in your body, for that we recommend immediately do detox, so that the body always always healthy. It turns out toxic or toxic waste materials in our body not only comes from food, other toxic sources are very close to our activity and very impossible to avoid with the fast-paced times, what is it ?? yups, "air" air pollution caused by motor vehicles, factory smoke, cigarette smoke, it also contains toxic substances, so again I remind you, toxins not only from unhealthy foods and drinks, from dirty air also including toxins.
Benefits and Content of Citronella Vegetables For Body Detox
Lemongrass or ordinary we are familiar with this vegetable lemongrass turned out to have a lot of benefits for health, many herbal medicine also made from this lemongrass ingredients. Apparently the plant commonly used as a seasoning ingredient has a very impressive drug benefits include:
- lemongrass / lemongrass plants to help the natural detox process (remove harmful toxins in the body naturally), because lemongrass has diuretic properties that have a role to increase the frequency of urination, to maintain digestive health. other than that in the process of detox with lemongrass plants also help to nourish the kidney organs.
- lemongrass to lower uric acid levels quickly and naturally
- vegetable lemongrass to treat stomach upsets, in lemongrass containing essential oils that have an antibacterial role, and have antimicrobial properties whose job is to fight infection of the digestive system such as the intestines, stomach and other parts of the digestive system.
- boost the immune system, with lemongrass boiled water
- lemongrass water contains antioxidants, anti-septic and has diuretic effects that are beneficial to diet and effective in cleansing and purifying the liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas and improving blood circulation.
- lemongrass to increase metabolism
- Lemongrass vegetable lowers high blood pressure
- first provide 6 stalks of vegetable lemongrass and half-headed ginger
- wash both materials thoroughly
- then mashed the lemongrass
- cut into pieces beforehand with 3-4 cm sizes
- for the temulawaknya, sliced the temulawak
- Boiling process, herbal ingredients for body detox with natural ingredients third stage:
- first provide a pan that is covered with marble or frying pan made from clay
- fill the water as much as 8 cups, input the vegetable lemongrass and temulawak was to the face.
- let it boil water until it boils down to approximately the water to be 4 glasses, or half of the size of the input water during the initial process. (8 cups to 4 cups)
- input palm sugar (kawung sugar) as much as one gandu (one circle the size of palm sugar)
Natural ingredients for detox and how to make it
Choose a young coconut or degan (note: must be green coconut), you can buy or take directly on the tree, but you should buy it because it is easier and more practical.
Once you have that the degan's root is, the way is to burn the degan, how can you see on youtube: how to make degan burn.
young coconut is very useful for detox process ??
well it can be explained from the existing content of coconut water ijo, what are the content and benefits of young coconut water?
Content and benefits of Green coconut water:
- the content of tannins and atidotum (anti-toxins),
- so in coconut water ijo contains tannins, enzymes that can break down toxic substances in the body, while antidotum has the benefit to ward off toxins, the content of antidotum in coconut water ijo is very high, useful to neutralize toxins in the body.
- to maintain digestive health,
- to improve the immune system
- preventing free radicals
- to lose weight
- as an energy-boosting drink
- contains many minerals and vitamins to add nutritional content
- You can also follow our tutorial:
- '' first cut the top of the young coconut
- make a furnace, for to store degan above burning,
- leave on for 15 minutes
- Pick up the degan, and the water input is iced
- Detox process with water degan burn only 3 days
Young coconut contains contains various vitamins. Among these are the dominant vitamin C, nicotinic acid, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, and riboflavin. No wonder if the coconut water is also used as a material of traditional medicine as well as beauty. In addition, specifically, coconut water is rich in potassium (potassium). In addition to minerals, coconut water also contains sugar (varies between 1.7 to 2.6 percent) and protein (0.07 to 0.55 percent)
Coconut water is also believed to improve digestive function. During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone which slows the contraction of the gastric muscles so that digestion slows down. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion.
Drinking coconut water is also no less good by eating fruits and vegetables. Coconut water is also a good source of antioxidants to counteract free radicals. Given, in large cities a lot of smoke pollution that can turn into body toxins. So, you have to minimize by drinking coconut water every day.
Coconut water can increase the power and production of thyroid hormones gland. Coconut water acts as a natural diuretic and is very helpful for people who have kidney disease. This will help clear the urinary tract and bladder tract. Efficacious to get rid of toxins and help break down kidney stones. And there are still many benefits from young coconut in addition to detox toxins in the body, multi fruit benefits are often encountered and easily found.
Plant parasites on clove trees to make Natural detox beverages:
parasite plant attached to the clove tree is very sought after because of its properties and kandunganya, dilansir from various sources of this plant is very nutritious to treat cancer, to remove toxins in the body (for detox).
clove tree parasites contain flavonoids, which are useful as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and also known to contain high antiooksidan. In addition, parasites also contain tannin which I have described above the efficacy and benefits of tannin in coconut water, which is as neutralizing toxins in the body. In addition to being known as an anticancer plant, this plant is also widely used as herbal medicine or traditional medicine to lower blood sugar quickly and naturally.
But there are some things you should consider when boiling plants parasites, including:
not using a pan or a pan made of aluminum
do not also use a frying pan made of iron
Then what wok material can be used to boil parasites ??
Use a pan that is covered in marble or can also use a frying pan made of soil (like a jug).
- Take the parasite of a clove tree
- Wash stems and leaves parasite clean
- Cut off the parasite including the leaf part on the stem of parasite with the size of 2 cm
- Boil leaves and stems parasites with 8 glasses of water and taken up to 4 ½ tides. (note: do not use faces made of aluminum or iron directly, use a frying pan covered with marble).
- After cooking water is not foam newly given palm sugar (kawung sugar in Sundanese language) as much as 1 piece / 1 sphere (you can adjust according to your sweetness measure)
- Let a few minutes until palm sugar and boiled water parasite together,
- Finish ,, lift and chill before drinking
How Does Detoxification Work?
detoxification means cleansing blood. This is done by removing dirt or toxins from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also removes toxins or detoxes through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. However, when all these systems are infiltrated by toxins or toxins, impurities are not filtered properly and the body is adversely affected (illness).
That's 3 detoxification process of toxins in the body and is definitely very effective in nourish the body.
- first order to get rid of toxins in the body
- the second normalizes the digestive system and removes the toxic substances present in the body
- the third process is to treat the organ system in the body, especially the digestive organs ,,
That is the process of restoring the body's fitness from beginning to end, this way has existed since time immemorial, and only became a secret heap in the book, and not many people know about it.
how to quickly detoxify the body with natural herbal ingredients
Posted by Campaka Sirungan on 2018/05/21
Is there a natural way to remove acne scars on the face ?
How long does facial treatment process for cleansing acne in a natural way?
How effective and fast is acne lost?
That's some of the questions we often hear and you complain about acne problems. You want to know the answer ?? follow this article to the end.
Before going to discuss about how to handle and prevent acne does not return, it would be better if you know first "what is acne ???"
what is the cause of acne???
Actually, what is acne? Acne that is in medical language is called acne vulgaris, is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles are clogged with dead skin and oil, which can lead to inflammation, you do not have to worry about acne on the face, because almost everyone has experienced it, and that can be treated either by natural means or by medical treatment.
Acne can be a mild red nodule to cystic acne (acne stone) that pain. Because there are several types of acne, then the acne medication needed is different. Oil-producing glands under your skin are called sebaceous glands and holes in your skin are called pores. Hair follicles connect your pores with sebaceous glands.
Acne is usually present on the face, shoulders, back, and chest. These skin problems can cause emotional stress and can leave acne scars. The faster you treat it, the lower your risk for experiencing the emotional and physical effects.
What are the causes of acne?
4 causes of acne most important, namely :
- Oil production
- Dead skin cells
- Clogged pores
- Bacteria
Then how to prevent acne?
You may have heard the saying that "prevention is better than cure", it is not a mere term, and it is true. As you know, acne on the face can come at any time, and facial skin is very sensitive and easy to get acne.
How to prevent acne so as not to reappear is very easy, consider the following:
- The first, the acne appears due to your lack of wipes. well ,, diligent in cleaning the face, wash your face, it was the first prevention in acne treatment.
- Prevention of acne next is to use makeup just enough, selective in choosing and using makeup. it has become a common secret problem that excessive makeup or make up that does not fit your skin becomes one of the causes of acne on the face. What are the benefits of reducing or avoiding makeup ??? The point is to rest your face from the makeup that is used everyday.
- Avoid using a towel with a rough surface to wipe the face. if there is use a special towel for the face, a face towel like a baby towel, which has a softer texture and is perfect for facial skin. next about the towel problem that is pay attention to the cleanliness of the towel you wear to clean the face, because if the towel is not clean then the germs are horned sticking upfront which causes the occurrence of acne.
- Not too often holding face or face with hand, why? dirty hands, containing bacteria or germs this can also trigger acne. Wash your hands if you will hold your face and avoid pushing faces affected by acne. If the face there is a pimple try to heal first then you can use makeup.
- Avoid stress, take time to entertain yourself, relaxation becomes a distinct advantage for facial skin. It's a good idea to calm your mind and avoid stress. Stress can easily and is one of the triggers of stress.
- Enough water for the body, I think you already know the importance of water and its relationship with skin health. With plenty of water consuming it will help you to dissolve the oils and fats that are in the body. The face and digestion become healthy which affects the dull face as well as the acne.
- Diligent exercise, this has been widely discussed in various forums on the internet and blog health blog, Sports routine can help overcome and prevent acne.
- Use natural face moisturizer, lots of natural moisturizer that you can use to prevent acne such as with aloe vera, rice rice watering powder, with honey, etc., will be discussed below.
- By using a natural face mask, you do not need to salon, spend expensive to treat the face of acne, especially for prevention, simply by using a natural mask of plants and herbal ingredients your face can be clean of acne. this will also be discussed next.
using acne medicine ??, need acne medicine ?? this is actually the essence of this article, a natural acne remedy with a very strong natural ingredients to clear the face of the acne even until the scars disappear is not seen at all.
what is needed ?? how to make ??? look to the end, before I apologize, if in writing, grammar and writing style a lot of mistakes, because I admit, I am not good at writing articles.
Treat and clean acne scars on face with natural mask from aloe vera :
Do you know why many beauty products, especially for facial skin care from acne using aloe vera as the main ingredient ?? I think you know, all because of the benefits and content that is in aloe vera. Aloe vera content is very efficacious in maintaining skin health, including acne treatment, and remove black stains from acne scars.
Content in Aloe vera, among others; proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, and C, zinc, vitamin C, E, catechins, carotene, carbohydrates, amino acids, and flavonoids. In addition, aloe vera has antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory.
the benefits are to treat acne, remove black spots on the face due to acne scars, skin care and make skin always young, shrink pores skin, and others.
make a face mask from aloe vera for acne treatment and remove black spot blotch marks:
- - provide 1 stick of aloe vera
- - cut and split aloe vera
- - Apply mucus to aloe vera meat to your face
- - let stand and let it seep on facial skin for 15 -30 minutes
- - Do it regularly, (to get the most out of this natural face mask process do at night)
Overcoming Acne and cleaning acne scars with rice water deposition
Rice water deposition is a natural traditional way, not many people know the secret of the ability of rice water deposition in treating acne naturally. Benefits contained in rice washing water comes from the content of minerals, vitamins, naturally and natural antioxidants present in rice.
To use it, of course must understand how to make rice laundry water so it can be used as a treatment. Actually there are several ways, but the easy way is to use ordinary rice water wash.
Use of Olive Oil for Acne
Have a lot of reviews about olive oil, one of the benefits of olive oil is no stranger to acne treatment and remove acne scars, how?
The most effective way to treat acne with olive oil is during the night, take olive oil and massage on your face, leave your face olive oil full overnight. When the morning rinse with clean water, but for maximum results use a soft cloth, or towel that lebut, then soak it in hot water, then wring it out, and place it to face after the massage process is complete. Leave until the towel is cold then lift it. And for acne to disappear immediately, do this treatment every night.
Massaging facial skin with olive oil can accelerate blood circulation, while eliminating impurities and dead skin cells that clog pores. In addition, its antibacterial properties can kill acne-causing bacteria. Another bonus is this oil also contains vitamin E so it can restore the balance of oil in the face naturally while preventing acne and blemishes acne scars.
Treat the acne naturally further by using a lemon mask
Many beauty products that use lemon as the main ingredient, for example lemon face soap, lemon facial cleanser, what is the content of lemon? yups lemon has L-ascorbic acid content can reduce the problem of inflammation on acne facial skin and also can clean the clogged face pores. Lemons can also make your face brighter and remove acne scars.
It's easy:
sandi maulana
5/20/2018 08:50:00 PM
New Google SEO
Bandung, IndonesiaRice water deposition is a natural traditional way, not many people know the secret of the ability of rice water deposition in treating acne naturally. Benefits contained in rice washing water comes from the content of minerals, vitamins, naturally and natural antioxidants present in rice.
To use it, of course must understand how to make rice laundry water so it can be used as a treatment. Actually there are several ways, but the easy way is to use ordinary rice water wash.
- First step, take enough rice about 1 glass mug.
- pour it in a container then add it with clean water.
- wash the rice briefly and then dispose of the water to separate the dirt, then just add back clean water and stir.
- Let stand for 30 minutes or 1 hour for nutrients in rice to dissolve in water. Finally, separate water with rice.
- - apply evenly the rice deposits on your face
- - be like a normal mask for 15-20 minutes or more, up to you.
Use of Olive Oil for Acne
Have a lot of reviews about olive oil, one of the benefits of olive oil is no stranger to acne treatment and remove acne scars, how?
The most effective way to treat acne with olive oil is during the night, take olive oil and massage on your face, leave your face olive oil full overnight. When the morning rinse with clean water, but for maximum results use a soft cloth, or towel that lebut, then soak it in hot water, then wring it out, and place it to face after the massage process is complete. Leave until the towel is cold then lift it. And for acne to disappear immediately, do this treatment every night.
Massaging facial skin with olive oil can accelerate blood circulation, while eliminating impurities and dead skin cells that clog pores. In addition, its antibacterial properties can kill acne-causing bacteria. Another bonus is this oil also contains vitamin E so it can restore the balance of oil in the face naturally while preventing acne and blemishes acne scars.
Treat the acne naturally further by using a lemon mask
Many beauty products that use lemon as the main ingredient, for example lemon face soap, lemon facial cleanser, what is the content of lemon? yups lemon has L-ascorbic acid content can reduce the problem of inflammation on acne facial skin and also can clean the clogged face pores. Lemons can also make your face brighter and remove acne scars.
It's easy:
- Take 1 lemon
- cut into two parts and then squeeze.
- Apply on face.
- Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
- You can also add 1 tbsp of honey to it to get maximum results.
You definitely want a clean, smooth face without acne. that's easy, the type of bacteria that contribute to the appearance of acne on the jawah known as Propionibacterium acnes, or P. acnes and bacteria types can be overcome with apple vinegar, then how to use apple vinegar for acne treatment? see the following:
Use apple vinegar on the face of acne, but it can also apply apple vinegar as a toner, or as a face mask.
Apply Apple Vinegar (ACV) directly to our skin is very good to fight acne, apple cuk serves as an antiseptic that plays a role in killing bad bacteria. how:
Paste Cotton that has been soaked with apple vinegar or directly wipe apple vinegar on the acne, let stand for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with clean water. We can do this step 2x a day.
Use Apple Vinegar as a Compress Mask:
Mix 2 Tablespoons Apple Vinegar with 2 Water Spoonfuls, then Mix. Dampen the cotton into a solution of apple vinegar that has been made, Stick the cotton on all parts of the face except eyes, nose, and mouth. Let stand for 20-25 minutes.
The benefits of apple cider vinegar is very effective and efficacious for the treatment of acne naturally as well as preventing inflammation of the skin.
Benefits of cucumber to treat acne naturally
few know that cucumber has a very special benefit in curing acne naturally and without side effects on the skin, Cucumber is rich in antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and vitamin C are nutritious to remove toxins from the body, cleanse acne and moisturize the skin.
Natural acne remedy that is avocado mask + honey
Avocado is very easy to get, many sold in supermarkets, as well as honey, in addition to honey and avocado very cheap and affordable. But do not look at the benefits of the price, again I affirm the efficacy and benefits of acne treatment with honey and avocado mask is very fast and effective in curing acne.
Natural ingredients are known for a long time and are the best combination ever to treat acne and remove acne scars. Honey has many benefits for the skin because it contains antibacterial hydrogen peroxide.
While avocados are rich in vitamin E that can penetrate skin pores and reduce inflammation of the skin.
Benefits of cucumber to treat acne naturally
few know that cucumber has a very special benefit in curing acne naturally and without side effects on the skin, Cucumber is rich in antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and vitamin C are nutritious to remove toxins from the body, cleanse acne and moisturize the skin.
- Cut a thin thin cucumber and then apply on the face of acne and let stand for approximately 15 minutes
- Rinse face with warm water
- For maximum results, drink cucumber juice mixed with lime juice.
Natural acne remedy that is avocado mask + honey
Avocado is very easy to get, many sold in supermarkets, as well as honey, in addition to honey and avocado very cheap and affordable. But do not look at the benefits of the price, again I affirm the efficacy and benefits of acne treatment with honey and avocado mask is very fast and effective in curing acne.
Natural ingredients are known for a long time and are the best combination ever to treat acne and remove acne scars. Honey has many benefits for the skin because it contains antibacterial hydrogen peroxide.
While avocados are rich in vitamin E that can penetrate skin pores and reduce inflammation of the skin.
- Take the avocado flesh and put it into a container
- Blend the avocado flesh
- Add one spoon of honey and mix well
- Add also lemon juice (optional)
- Apply face mask on acne for 15-20 minutes
- Rinse with warm water
White egg mask for acne remedy and remove acne scars
This one must have been often heard, so we discussed at the end of this article, has been known efficacy, content, and benefits of egg whites for skin care facial beauty, one of them as a natural healing acne. the existing content of egg whites include lysozim enzyme contained in egg whites can destroy the cell wall of bacteria that cause acne. Egg whites can shrink the pores of the skin and reduce the excess oil that is the cause of acne.
how to make ??
- Take an egg, separate yolks and egg whites.
- Beat the egg whites until fluffy
- Apply on face until dry
- Rinse with warm water
Treat acne with honey
The honey we were not going to discuss, because maybe you already know, but it seems there is less if not add honey on the part of a powerful natural ingredients to treat acne. As you know, honey is a traditional herb that has been used since time immemorial, and become a legacy for the world of beauty.
Utilization of honey to treat the face has been used since the days of ancient kingdom. just at the core, honey has an antiseptic content capable of killing bacteria that cause acne and other honey benefits to reduce inflammation of the skin caused by acne acne. Honey also serves as a natural probiotic that not only effectively reduces acne but prevents the emergence of new acne.
How to make an herb for acne treatment of honey:
- Prepare a few drops of honey
- Apply honey directly on the acne-pricked part
- Let stand for 45 minutes
- After the honey is dry and sticky, rinse with cold water and dry
- You can do this treatment for 3 times a week
While that's all we had to say and write on this occasion, we will always try to update the information about the beauty especially for facial beauty treatment with natural ingredients.
Thank you for visiting our blog, happy activity.